Company Overview
A very warm welcome to DeskDemon, the world's largest online resource designed specifically for office professionals.
Launched in the UK in August 2000, DeskDemon is continually develo ped in close collaboration with PAs, Office Managers, secretaries and administrative staff, along with the UK's professional secretarial associations, to offer you a single web site encompassing all aspects of office management.
Our cutting edge technology enables us to provide both local focuses for individual countries and an enhanced global viewpoint which keeps you connected to your professional peers in ways never before possible - until now.
Over 100,000 office professionals now visit DeskDemon's UK site each month to find the products, services, resources and information they need to carry out their every day tasks. And, with tens of thousands of messages posted on 'The Hub' (our international networking forum boards), if you cannot find what you are seeking in the UK or abroad, need advice from your peers around the world or simply wish to blow off steam, DeskDemon is truly the largest global online resource devoted just to your profession
DeskDemon brings tangible benefits through savings in time, cost and stress from your everyday tasks, which we hope in turn enables you to optimise your efficiency, improve your work experience and present a highly informed professional face to you employer.
DeskDemon UK is well placed to ensure that the site is continually developed to meet your needs in the fast changing world of Office Management. In addition to our team of advisers who include professional PAs, EAs, Administrators and secretarial associations such as IQPS and EUMA, DeskDemon is often asked to present Key Notes at conferences in the UK and worldwide, is sought for interviews and quoted regularly in the National Press and radio.